Adaptations For Aquatic Habitat

Concept Explanation

Adaptations For Aquatic Habitat

Aqua means water. Aquatic habitat involves Oceans, rivers and ponds. Ocean is a huge body of salt water. Therefore organisms living in oceans adapt differently to that of fresh water organisms.

Adaptations For Aquatic Habitat-

Plants : Fresh water plants show the following adaptations plants that live in flowing water have long narrow stems this prevents the plants from being carried away with water currents

  • Leaves of plants like lotus and water lily have a waxy covering that prevents them from rotting.
  • Their roots are much reduced in size; their main function is to hold the plants in place.
  • Their stems are long and narrow, to withstand water currents without getting damaged, for example water lily.
  • Stems have air spaces to enable the plant to float.
  • Submerged leaves are long and narrow to withstand water currents without getting damaged, for example, tape grass.


    ·   Ducks have webbed feet that help them in swinging .Oil produced from under their tails make their features waterproof.

    ·   Gills are special organs that help fish to breathe under water.

    ·   Fins help them to swim and maintain the body balance.

    ·   Their streamlined body allows them to swim fast. Animals like dolphin and whale do not have gills to breath in water they have blowholes located at the upper parts of their heads.

    Their body is covered with scales and mucous to make it waterproof. This also protects the fish and makes movement through water easier.

     Adaptation in Frogs :

    Frogs usually live in ponds as their habitat. They can stay inside the pond water and move on land. They have following adaptations : 

    1. They have webbed feet that help them swim in water.

    2. They have long and strong back legs that help them in hopping on the land for catching their prey.

    3. Their skin is always moist that helps in breathing through the skin.




    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
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    The stems of plant are long, hollow and light, and its root are much reduced in size. It is adapated to which on of the following habitats ?

    Right Option : C
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    __________________ adaptations are found in frog.

    Right Option : D
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